How can we help?
Welcome to the Autism Forth Valley website!
We have developed the Autism Forth Valley website to act as a virtual one stop shop. Given the geographical spread of our communities it was felt that an online source of advice was the most viable and sustainable channel of communication.
There are many ways in which the Autism Forth Valley website can assist you, whether you are a professional, family member or carer of someone with autism, whether this is in relation to a child or an adult, or whether you are someone on the Autism Spectrum, there are a number of local resources and information services available to assist you. Please visit our Directory of Local Services for more information (due to be launched in April 2016).
Autism can be a very challenging condition. Whilst we are aiming to offer a realistic view of the condition on this website and provide effective answers, we recognise that more can be done to assist individuals with autism and their family.
Please take the time to visit our website, share the information with others and let us know of and additional support you may need so we can sign post you more specifically to support and services.
For further support we would like to signpsot Scottish Autism Right Click Online Support for Parents
You can also contact Scottish Autism Advice Helpline
We have tried to make this site as comprehensive and as easy as possible to navigate. If you have any suggestions to improve this further, please contact us