Social Opportunities
Art Activities at MacRobert Art Centre, starting Friday 2nd September 2016.
Macrobert Sunday Socials
The Sunday Social during January and February 2017 is a pilot and it is hoped that it will become a regular drop-in session for adults who would like to socialise in a supported environment with some creative input. The group is especially useful for adults (16+) who benefit from additional support around their mental health.
Aim of the sessions:
- To create a safe regular social space
- To address a need for activity on a Sunday
- To support mental health and wellbeing
- Providing access to creative opportunity
- Linking in to Macrobert Arts Centre’s Dance, Film, Theatre, and Visual Art programme
- For Macrobert Arts Centre to identify advantageous creative outlets for adults with additional support needs.
Sessions will be curated for creative workshops, however will be open for discussion and led by the needs to the group.
Sessions take place on Sundays, 2-4pm on the following dates:
22nd January – Visual Arts
29th January – Visual Arts
5th February – Visual Art/Drama
12th February – Visual Art/Drama
19th February – Visual Art/Drama
26th February – Film
Please get in touch by emailing sam.gurrey@macrobertartscentre.org or by calling 01786466627 if you would like to join the group.
If you have any questions or concerns about the group, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Social groups, clubs and events– Stirling
Meetings are on a monthly basis and are available in various locations, such as Clydebank, Dundee, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Stirling, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
The clubs will give you the opportunity to socialise, meet others, make friends, embrace a variety of activities, have fun and widen your community links.
As part of the group, you will decide what you would like to do. Groups have:
- gone to the theatre
- to music arenas and the cinema
- gone bowling
- had meals out
- had barbeques and parties
- done pub quizzes
- made arts and crafts
- explored outdoor pursuits
- and had many other enjoyable days out.
A number of the groups we run meet up to work on developing social skills in a group setting
using our SocialEyes modules, then practice those skills on the next outing.
If you would like to join a group or are interested in setting up your own,
The National Autistic Society
Mobile: 07887 831 447
Office: 0141 221 8090
CKFriends is a safe, secure social network for people with learning difficulties aged 16 and over.
CKFriends is an online community that enables people with learning difficulties to share their hobbies, interests and keep in touch with old and new friends.
CKUK monitor the site daily and take great care to make it a safe internet places for adults with learning difficulties. More here.
Play Alloa
Play Alloa is the leading provider of play and social opportunities for children and adults with disabilities and additional support needs in Clackmannanshire.
Play Alloa: Adult Social Group
Play Alloa provides a range of social opportunities for adults with disabilities and additional support needs across Clackmannanshire and beyond.
Play Alloa holds a weekly Adult Social Group for age 18+ in its Alloa base on a Monday evening 7-9pm.
This provides an opportunity to make friends and join in a range of structured and free-choice activities including: quiz nights, cooking, board games, pool/snooker, movies, music, table tennis, karaoke, art and crafts etc within the base as well as a number of outings eg. pantomime, xmas dinner etc.
There is a £3 charge for each session.
To find out more check the Play Alloa Website or check the Play Alloa Facebook page