Following the successful application to the Autism National Strategy Funding in Dec 2014, the Stirling and Clackmannanshire multi agency development group have partnered with Stirling University Computing Club to develop an Autism App designed to assist individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through Transition.
The Autism Transition App aims to respond to the needs expressed by families and service users during our consultation events (see examples of testimonies below). From an early stage children and young people will experience a number of transitions from pre-school through to post school destinations. For some, a change of school or class is viewed as an exciting opportunity but for others transitions can be a less than positive experience. The universal planning that schools provide to support positive transitions is often enough to meet the needs of the majority of our children and young people. However, for those with Autism, a targeted level of planning and support is required to allow for a smoother transition.
Within our local strategy we recognise there is a need to better support people across all transition stages, particularly from child to adult services
The Transition Workstream in partnership with the University of Stirling are developing an Autism App Transition Passport. The App has been developed as a proof of concept on an Android platform and is specifically designed to support smooth transitions for individuals with ASD. It will also be suitable for building a profile information page to assist individuals with ASD share key information about themselves; for example to facilitate a hospital stay, or to ensure they are as prepared as possible for an interview or meeting. More about the Autism Transition App here