How to access to employability services?
There are various routes for adults with ASD to be supported into work.
For young people still at school, we recommend that you contact your schools Additional Support Needs Officer to prepare your transition to post-school services well in advance of you leaving school, ideally at age 14 if you plan on leaving at age 16. The plan will cover options available to you after school, including training, further education, volunteer or work experiences. You can read more about planning for transition here.
In Dec 2014 the Scottish Government launched the Scotland Youth Employment Strategy
The remit of the strategy was to explore how to develop a modern, responsive and valued system for vocational training and emulate the labour markets of the best performing European countries.
The strategy and implementation plan sets out how the Scottish Government will implement the Recommendations of the Commission for Developing Scotland's Young Workforce and drive the creation of a world class vocational education system to reduce youth unemployment by 40% by 2021.
The'Developing the Young Workforce' group has representation from every secondary school, Youth Services, local employers, Forth Valley College and others on an ad hoc basis.
For adults and young people who have left school, we recommend that you contact a Disability Employment Adviser (DEA) at your local Jobcentre. A DEA can help you find a job or gain new skills and will also be able to tell you about disability friendly employers in your area. A DEA can also refer you to a specialist work psychologist, or carry out an ‘employment assessment’. An employment assessment will ask you about, your skills and experience and what kind of roles you’re interested in.
Ask to speak to a DEA at your local Jobcentre.
General job search advice is available on Universal Jobmatch.
More information about how to apply for a job here
See below for organisations and services that can assist you to find a job, and receive the training and support you might require.
Programmes, grants and employability services
- Work Choice: supports people with disabilities on a voluntary basis and provides help at all stages of finding and getting a job and staying in work. Help is also available for those who want to become self-employed. See more information on Work Choice Fact Sheet.
- Access to Work can provide practical and financial support to help you overcome barriers to starting or keeping a job. Access to Work can also give practical advice and guidance to employers, helping them understand physical and mental ill health and how they can support employees. For more information follow link here.
- Employability Services, Stirling Council Stirling Council’s Employability Service supports individuals with long term health conditions and/or disabilities to access and sustain, or retain employment. The service works with individuals to build a profile of their work aspirations, strengths, skills and to identify areas where support is required. The service is not autism specific and staff are not specialist health workers, the focus is on what the individual can do at work, wants to do and what support is needed to achieve this. The service follows the 5 stage model of supported employment as set out by the Scottish Government. The 5 stage model of suported emplyoment here.: 5 stage employment.png The support offered includes referrals to other agencies (as appropriate), supported job searches and application writing, CV writing, interview techniques, support to attend interviews, strategies for the workplace, initial support in the workplace and aftercare to monitor employment. The service can also support employers to source any adaptations, equipment required as well as raising awareness of diasbaility and certain conditions within the work place.
- Adult Day Services Clackmannanshire Council. Adult Day Services provide support to access paid and voluntary work opportunities, based on the individuals’ needs. Options for placements include job tasters, work skills training, job search, job match and on-going support.