Access to training & Further Education
Certificate of Work Readiness (CWS)
CWS is an award designed specifically for young people who are ready for their first experience of the world of work, but need some guided support. The certificate includes a unique employer assessed “real life” work experience placement, providing a meaningful qualification and a credible standard employers can recognise and trust. Successful competition of CWS provides young people with ASD improved employability, transferable skills in self evaluation, and planning and goal setting skills that can be applied to any workplace.
More information can be found here
Skills Development Scotland (SDS)
SDS supports people with ASD to develop and apply their skills. SDS offers education or training placements to help individuals with disabilities secure and sustain employment. A new partnership project has been launched to increase the number of disabled people entering Modern Apprenticeships and Opportunities for all, guarantees every 16 to 19 year old in Scotland a place in education or training. This project will help to ensure disabled young people have equal access to training opportunities.
For more information please follow
Adult education courses
The Adult learning team provides a range of learning opportunities across the Stirling Council area. Courses are available in literacy, numeracy, english for speakers of other languages, ICT, arts and crafts and other language opportunities. Adult education can enrich an individual’s life by introducing them to a new hobby, learning a new skill or helping individuals brush up on basics. Adult education courses can help to improve basic reading, writing and number skills, or gain a new qualification. If an individual’s career needs a boost, ASPIRE courses are avilable to help bring work skills up to date.
For more information
ASDAN is a pioneering curriculum development organisation and awarding body, offering programmes and qualifications that explicitly grow skills for learning, skills for employment and skills for life. ASDAN offers a range of nationally approved qualifications based around the development of personal, social and employability skills. Employability qualifications provide a framework for developing and recognising general employability skills and are suitable for pre-16 and post-16 learners.
For more information
Local College and University Courses for people with ASD
The Autism Strategy for Stirling and Clackmannashire has conducted a survey of local Universities and Colleges to evaluate the level of support provided to people with ASD. Twenty seven Universities and Colleges took part in the survey, including the University of Stirling, Forth Valley College, Perth College, Glasgow, Strathclyde and University of Edinburgh.
For more information please follow: Our Survey/ Consultations
For a full list of local colleges and universities, follow the link here
Project Search
The University of Strathclyde currently has a transition programme called “Project Search- a model for obtaining employment via internships”.
"Project SEARCH is a one year transition program which provides training and education leading to employment for individuals with disabilities. The programme occurs on-site at a business which has the commitment to support people with disabilities in the workplace. Project SEARCH is a workforce alternative for students in their last year of high school or at college. Each individual applies to the programme and is accepted through a selection process.
Project SEARCH is based on a partnership that includes business and training organisations – sometimes a college and a supported employment organisation. The goal is to provide on-site internship experiences which will allow young adults with learning disabilities to acquire necessary skills leading to competitive employment."