Employment support
Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils are committed to removing barriers which stand in the way of effective transitions in to employment for individuals with ASD. Our local strategy aims to support people with autism to identify and develop their skills, and where possible support them to contribute to their community through voluntary work or employment.
Autism and Employment
Employment is central to the social and emotional wellbeing of individuals, and this is particularly true for someone with ASD. It is not just important economically; it also offers the opportunity for individuals to feel valued, respected and included in society and can help prevent isolation and mental illness.
Supporting people with an ASD into work is complex and often requires the support of multi-agencies. Many individuals with ASD having highly specialised skills and talents and have much to offer to the workforce.
The Scottish Government has developed the Supported Employment Framework, which outlines the 5 stage model for Supported Employment detailing the process for supporting individuals with a long term health condition or disability into realistic sustainable employment. It talks about a person-centred approach, identifying a person’s preferences, strengths, abilities and working through strategies to overcome health/ disability barriers. The approach recognises that everyone is different and does not specify specific strategies or approaches for those with an ASD.
Employers can be supported in employing someone with Autism. If individuals have been supported by an agency to access employment, for example, the National Autistic Society (NAS), Scottish Autism (SA), Enable or Employment Services with Stirling and Clackmannanshire councils, then that organisation should be well placed to support the employer with any adaptations or strategies to may facilitate the person’s journey into work. NAS can provide autism specific training to colleagues and employers. Support is also available from Job Centre Plus and Work Choice providers. For more information please visit here.
Financial support is also available from Access to Work for the purchase of a range of items such as specialist equipment, adaptations, travel, awareness training for colleagues and job coach support in the workplace. Further information can be found here.
Types of Employments
There are different forms of employment which maybe be suitable to someone with ASD, ranging from volunteering, participation in occupational activities through to self-employment.
More on how to access to employment services