Autism Network Scotland resources
Table of Available Training Courses and Providers– These tables contain information about a range of training providers and training courses relevant to developing knowledge and skills related to autism. These tables are not exhaustive and do not include all the potentially relevant training currently available.
Diagnostic Interview for Social & Communication Disorders (DISCO)
A Course for Staff working in the NHS in Scotland
Presented in collaboration with The Centre for Social and Communication Disorders
Four Day Course, in Two Parts
PART I: 26th, 27th April 2017
PART II: 27th, 28th June2017
For more information see here:
NHS Education for Scotland resources
NES Autism Training Framework – Following the development of The Scottish Strategy for Autism, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) was invited to develop an Autism Training Framework detailing the knowledge and skills required at different levels within the health and social care workforce to achieve key outcomes for people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), their families and carers. The Framework describes the knowledge and skills required across the range from those in generic services through to those working in specialist ASD services.
NES Autism Training Plan – The Training Plan outlines the training needed to fulfil the requirements of the NHS Education for Scotland Autism Training Framework by (i) identifying currently available training; (ii) identifying gaps in training provision, and, (iii) guiding the development of appropriate training.
Autism Knowledge and Skills (AKS): Self-Assessment and Training Action Plan – The (AKS) Self-Assessment and Training Action Plan has been designed to assist individual staff members or service managers to record training needs when using the NES Autism Training Framework: Optimising Outcomes and the NES Autism Training Plan.
Training offered by Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils
Stirling and Clackmannanshire Council provide training in Autism to families and professionals. All training is available in half or full day courses and is tailored to the needs and requirements of the participants. Examples of training include:
For Parents, Carers and Education Professionals
- What is Autism and how does it affect a child?
- Gender differences in the presentation of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Challenging behaviours: how to respond?
- Communication issues: what can be done to help?
- Review App to support individuals with autism across needs, i.e. relaxation, learning, communication, socialisation, planning, transition.
- The classroom environment and how to minimise sensory impairment issues?
- Managing a child with Autism at home
- Managing a child with Autism in the community
- Autism and siblings
- Autistic children as visual learners
- Support services available locally
Other possible topics
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Young People and Adults, what is ASD and how does it affect a person?
- Gender differences in the presentation of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- How to identify ASD (red flags for autism in adults and young people)
- Challenging behaviours and criminal issues
- Common misunderstandings i.e. literal understanding of language and inflexibility of behaviour
- How best to communicate with a person with ASD
- Strategies to defuse a crisis
- Sensory difficulties
- Referral to diagnostic services
- Support services available locally
If you or your organisation have any questions or are interested in receiving training on ASD, please contact us.
Autism Champions
- To build knowledge, understanding and skills in teams about working effectively with people with autism
- To contribute to the development of good autism practice in the city
- To promote ASD awareness, influence and interest throughout statutory agencies including H&SC, NHS, Job Centre, Police, Services for Communities and Housing Associations.
Ask of a champion
- Keep abreast of developments in autism services in the city
- Share learning and commit to building knowledge & skills in their respective teams
- Have an interest in working with people with autism
- Develop a good understanding of autism and how to communicate effectively with people with autism
- Highlight areas of good practice and areas that need development
- Advise / sign post other team members about, effective communication, the care pathway and appropriate services/advice and information as required.
- Attend initial day session for autism champions
- Attend autism champion briefing meetings on a quarterly basis
- To know how to access relevant autism training and information about autism services
Staff to volunteer to do this with agreement of manager. They would need to make a commitment.
What is the manager committing to?
- Initial autism awareness training – 1/2 day
- To attend quarterly 2 hour information sharing sessions on autism
Identifying the learning needs and requirement of course participants
If you or your organisation have any questions or are interested in receiving training on ASD, please contact us.
In the first instance we would propose a short meeting which will enable us to plan and tailor training to your specific needs.
About the trainer
Dr Lorene Amet, D.Phil., M.Ed. (Autism) is a professional in the field of autism and has over 15 years of experience working in academic and third sector organisations. Lorene has extensive experience in autism, diagnosis, interventions, research and evaluation. She has worked across the UK with both professionals and families and is knowledgeable and experienced in tackling the challenges which families and organisations face.
Lorene is currently working as Autism Development Officer for Stirling and Clackmannanshire Council and is responsible for ensuring the implementation of Stirling and Clackmannanshires local Autism Strategy and action plan.