Glossary of terms
AS: Asperger Syndrome
ASC: Autism Specrtum Condition
ASD: Autism Sprectrum Disorder
CEAT: Community Early Assessment Team
Co-morbidities: Two or more existing conditions that are in addition to an initial diagnosis
Diagnosis: when someone is told what his or her medical condition is
Eligibility: Where a Council or Health Service agrees who can have support
Inclusion: Where people are supported to live their lives in the same way as everyone else
HFA: High Functioning Autism
NES: NHS National Education Scotland
NICE: National Institute for Clinical Excellence
NHS: National Health Service
OT: Occupational Therapy
Outcome: The difference something makes
Pathway: A map that sets out what people can expect from services
Personalisation: Services that are tailored to the needs of the individual
SIGN: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
Strategy: A plan that sets out what should be done to make things better
Transition: A process or period of change