Implementing & Monitoring
Implementing the Autism Strategy for Stirling and Clackmannanshire
The work on the Autism Strategy will be coordinated by the new formed Autism Strategy Implementation Steering Group, which is responsible for the multi-agency delivery, implementation and monitoring of the strategy. This group will report to the Community Planning Partnership, as well as to Directors and Chief Officers of the agencies and services involved.
To coordinate the implementation and monitoring of the Autism Strategy for Stirling and Clackmannanshire. Specifically, we aim to implement and monitor the delivery of the 16 key local priorities and agreed action points of the strategy, including but not limited to, the following ongoing projects:
- Autism Forth Valley website/ completion of the site and maintenance
- Online directory of local services/ Completion and maintenance
- Autism Forth Valley social media: Promotion and monitoring of activities
- Autism App: Completion, launch and monitoring
- Autism Awareness month April 16: Plan and organise events
- Develop, implement and monitor the Safe Place Scheme for Stirling and Clackmannanshire if funding received (notification of outcomes of the bids shortly forthcoming)
- Development of a system of performance monitoring
The group will meet every month for the first 6 months and thereafter will meet 4 times a year, and will produce a progress report every 6 months. These reports will be made available on the Autism Forth Valley website and shared with Community Planning Partnership, as well as the Directors and Chief Officers of the agencies and services involved.
Reports and actions for each workstream can be accessed here.