Complementary Guidelines & Policies
The Scottish Strategy for Autism 2010
Autism has been the subject of a number of initiatives over the past decade. Considerable efforts have been made to improve diagnosis and assessment, create consistent service standards, match resources to need and to underpin this with appropriate research and training opportunities. These contributions have been harnessed into the development of a national ten year autism strategy, which addresses the entire autism spectrum and the whole lifespan of people living with ASD in Scotland.
Commissioning Services for People on the Autism Spectrum: Policy and Practice Guidance, 2008
This guidance is issued to inform the commissioning of health and social care services for people with autism spectrum disorders in Scotland.
The Autism Strategy: Local Autism Mapping Report for Stirling and Clackmannanshire
The Scottish Strategy for Autism sets out an agenda for improving the lives of people with autism and their carers. At the launch of the national strategy the Scottish Minister for Public Health - Michael Matheson - announced £13.4 million of additional investment, some of which was dedicated to mapping out autism services and improving the coordination of these services.
You can access the mapping report for Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils by clicking on the link below.
A guide to Getting it right for every child, 2013
All children and young people should be fully supported as they grow to develop into successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. They also should be: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, and Included.
The keys to life - Improving Quality of Life for People with Learning Disabilities 2013
The new learning disability strategy in Scotland, following on from, and building on the principles and successes of “The same as you?”, the original review of service for people with a learning disability, published in 2000.
The Autism Toolbox: An Autism Resource for Scottish Schools, 2009
The Autism Toolbox is designed to support Education Authorities, Schools and Pre-schools in the delivery of service and planning for children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
SIGN Guideline 98: Assessment, diagnosis and clinical interventions for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders, 2007
The guideline applies to children and young people up to the age of 18, which may include the period of transition from childhood to adult services. Sometimes the evidence and any consequent recommendations are age specific. This guideline focuses on assessment, diagnosis and clinical interventions for ASD. It considers the evidence for joint working and consultation with children and young people, and with parents and carers. It also considers the evidence for how multidisciplinary and multiagency working can best address the needs of individuals with ASD at all levels of provision.
NICE guidelines on autism
NICE quality standards describe high-priority areas for quality improvement in a defined care or service area. Each standard consists of a prioritised set of specific, concise and measurable statements. They draw on existing guidance, which provides an underpinning, comprehensive set of recommendations, and are designed to support the measurement of improvement. This quality standard covers autism in children, young people and adults, including both health and social care services.
Forth Valley Integrated Carer Strategy 2012-15
The Forth Valley partners acknowledge that the role of carers is fundamentally important in allowing people to continue to live in their own homes and communities. The development of the Forth Valley Integrated Carers Strategy (FVICS) will ensure the continued delivery of high quality services that will directly and indirectly support carer’s to continue to provide care where this is their choice. The strategy will also have an important role in ensuring equitable service delivery across the Forth Valley area, whilst recognising there will be a requirement to respond to particular local priorities and needs.
Getting it Right for Young Carers: The Young Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010-2015
The Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (who represent the 32 local councils in Scotland) have worked together to produce a new strategy for those of you who are young carers. The strategy is called Getting It Right For Young Carers.
Stirling Single Outcome Agreement 2013-2023
This Single Outcome Agreement represents the strategic framework for the collective reform of public services in Stirling. It prioritises the main changes that need to be made in Stirling’s communities over the next ten years, and commits community-planning partners to harnessing collaborative effort, in partnership with our communities, to delivering the step change required.
Clackmannanshire Single Outcome Agreement 2013 - 2013
Clackmannanshire Single Outcome Agreement is a joint statement from the Clackmannanshire Community Planning Partnership which sets out the council’s vision for securing long term outcomes for the communities in Clackmannanshire. The Single Outcome Agreement for 2013-2023 recognises the challenges for delivering unprecedented public sector reform, welfare reform in the context of poor economic forecasts. The SOA will be delivered in a much more integrated way, not limited by organisational considerations or boundaries, at the heart of which will be a 'whole systems' approach, designed around customer life stages delivering positive outcomes, through getting it right for all our children, adults and communities. The focus will be on prevention, with collective, intelligence-led working focusing collective resources at points of early intervention that will deliver better opportunities for all. Services will be focused on place, with all agencies working collectively with communities, not in a paternalistic way, but as equal partners, releasing potential, and realising community aspirations in ways that will deliver sustainable regeneration and growth.
ENABLE Scotland and the Scottish Consortium for
Learning Disability: How is it going?
Report on what matters most to people with learning disabilities and autistic spectrum
disorders in Scotland today. What matters most to people with learning disabilities is getting their own home, having friends and being able to go out more.They also want to make sure they stay in contact with family and they keep the support that is essential to their independence.They enjoy socialising more than anything else and next to that, sport.They hope for new experiences. Read the full report here.
Equal Partners in Care (EPiC): Working together to achieve better outcomes for carers and young carers
Equal Partners in Care (EPiC) is a joint project between NES and SSSC to implement the workforce education and learning elements of the Carers Strategy 2010-15. It aims to support workers from health, social services and other sectors to work in partnership with carers and young carers, and to achieve better outcomes for all involved in the caring relationship. It does this by providing learning resources to help best practice become universal practice.
Self-Directed Support Scotland
This is a one-stop-shop for information about Self-Directed Support for people who use social care services and health and social care professionals.
The SHANARRI indicators are an important development from the Getting It Right for Every Child agenda and are being widely used across Scotland to explore the impact of care services on the outcomes experienced by children.
Corporate Parenting Scotland
The formal partnership needed between all local authority departments, services and associated agencies responsible for meeting the needs of looked after children and young people.
National Health and Social Care Indicators
The National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes are high-level statements of what health and social care partners are attempting to achieve through integration and ultimately through the pursuit of quality improvement across health and social care. By working with individuals and local communities, Integration Authorities will support people to achieve the following outcomes:
to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing, to live, as far as reasonably practicable, independently, to have positive experiences of those services, to improve their quality of life using those services, to reduce health inequalities, people who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their own health and wellbeing, to be safe from harm, to feel engaged with the work they do. Resources are used effectively and efficiently in the provision of health and social care services.
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
The DDA legislation promotes civil rights for people with disabilities and protects them from discrimination. The DDA protects disabled people in five areas, such as:
- Employment
- Education
- Access to food, facilities and services
- Buying or renting a property and
- Functions of public sectors.
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 "the 2014 Act"
The Act covers a number of key legislations impacting on the rights of Children and Young People. More here.